Friday, September 8, 2017

Lesson 34: Faith in Every Footstep


To help class members understand how the pioneers’ journey to the Salt Lake Valley parallels our journey back to our Heavenly Father and to help class members appreciate the sacrifices made by the pioneers.


Discussion and Application

1. The Lord instructed the Saints regarding their physical preparations for their journey. Our Heritage, pages 71–72.

  • The Saints in Winter Quarters suffered much from sickness and other hardships, yet they continued working and making preparations for their journey. 
    • In what ways were they and others blessed for their continued determination?
      • Answers could include that their preparations made their journey easier and helped those who would come after them.
    • How have you been blessed by persevering in a time of hardship?
    • How can persevering in a time of difficulty help those who come after us?
At Winter Quarters in January 1847, President Brigham Young received a revelation concerning the Saints' westward journey. This revelation is recorded in D&C 136.
  • What instructions did the Lord give the Saints regarding preparations for their journey?
  • Read the following verses and identify the instructions in each passage.
a. D&C 136:2. (Make a "covenant and promise to keep all the commandments and statutes of the Lord.")
  • Why was this instruction so important for the Saints?
  • How can we apply this instruction to our journey?
b. D&C 136:3. (Organize companies under the direction of the Quorum of the Twelve, with a president and two counselors and with captains of hundreds, fifties, and tens.)
  • How is this organization similar to the way wards and stakes are organized?
c. D&C 136:5. ("Let each company provide themselves with all … they can.")
  • Why is it important that we strive to be self-reliant?
d. D&C 136:6. ("Prepare for those who are to tarry [remain behind].")
  • What preparations did the Saints make for those who would remain behind? (See D&C 136:7, 9.) 
  • How can this instruction apply to us?
e. D&C 136:8. (Care for "the poor, the widows, [and] the fatherless.") 
  • How can we fulfill these responsibilities today?
f. D&C 136:10. ("Let every man use all his influence and property to remove this people to … a stake of Zion.")
  • How can this instruction apply to us?

2. The Lord instructed the Saints regarding their conduct. D&C 136:17–33

In addition to giving instructions on physical preparations, the Lord gave the Saints directions regarding spiritual matters and their conduct toward each other.
  • What instructions did the Lord give the Saints about how they should conduct themselves?
    • Read the following verses and identify the instructions in each passage.
a. D&C 136:19. ("If any man shall seek to build up himself, and seeketh not my counsel, he shall have no power.")
  • Why would humility be important to the Saints on their journey?
  • How do people sometimes seek to build themselves up?
  • How can we more fully seek the Lord's glory rather than our own?
b. D&C 136:21. ("Keep yourselves from evil to take the name of the Lord in vain." See also Exodus 20:7.) 
  • Why is it important that we treat the Lord's name with reverence?
c. D&C 136:23–24. ("Cease to contend one with another; cease to speak evil one of another. … Let your words tend to edifying one another.")
  • How do contentions and evil speaking hinder us as a people?
  • How can we overcome contentions with each other?
  • What can we do to edify each other?
d. D&C 136:25–26. (Return borrowed or lost items.)
e. D&C 136:27. ("Be diligent in preserving what thou hast.")
  • What do you think it means to be a "wise steward"? 
  • How can our stewardship over physical possessions affect our spiritual well-being?
In D&C 136:28, the Lord gives instruction on appropriate recreation. 
  • Speaking on this subject, Elder David O. McKay taught: "On the plains, after a day's march, the wagons were drawn up in a circle, a man with the violin would take his place by the campfire and there on the prairie the sturdy Pioneers would join hands in a dance, opening it by prayer, and participate in amusement that fostered the spirit of the gospel. … President Brigham Young … once said, in substance: 'The atmosphere of the dance should be such that if any elder be called from the party to go to administer to a sick person, he could leave with the same spirit that he would go from his elders' quorum meeting'" (in Conference Report, Apr. 1920, 117).
  • How can we apply this counsel?
  • What did the Lord instruct the Saints to do to learn wisdom? (See D&C 136:32–33.) 
    • In what ways have you found these instructions to be true in your life?

3. Under the direction of President Brigham Young, the Saints journeyed to the Salt Lake Valley. Refer to map 3 on page 31 in the Class Member Study Guide. 

Two years before the Prophet Joseph Smith died, he prophesied that "the Saints would continue to suffer much affliction and would be driven to the Rocky Mountains," and that some of them would "live to go and assist in making settlements and build cities and see the Saints become a mighty people in the midst of the Rocky Mountains" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 255). In fulfillment of this prophecy, some 70,000 Church members from all over the world made the trek to Utah between 1847 and 1869.

Exodus to the West. On 4 February 1846 the first wagons crossed the Mississippi River to begin the historic trek west.
There are many stories of faith and courage as the Saints journeyed to Utah.
  • Review the following sections from Our Heritage: 
    • "The Brooklyn Saints" (pages 74–75),
    • "The Gathering Continues" (pages 75–76), and
    • "This Is the Right Place" (pages 76–77).
  • How do you feel when you consider the legacy of faith and sacrifice that the pioneers and other Saints have given us?
  • Who are the pioneers of the Church in your area?
  • How can we pass on this same kind of legacy to those who will follow us?
  • What lessons can we learn from the pioneer trek to help us on our journey back to God's presence?
    • Elder M. Russell Ballard taught "Life isn't always easy. At some point in our journey we may feel much as the pioneers did as they crossed Iowa—up to our knees in mud, forced to bury some of our dreams along the way. We all face rocky ridges, with the wind in our face and winter coming on too soon. Sometimes it seems as though there is no end to the dust that stings our eyes and clouds our vision. Sharp edges of despair and discouragement jut out of the terrain to slow our passage. … Occasionally we reach the top of one summit in life, as the pioneers did, only to see more mountain peaks ahead, higher and more challenging than the one we have just traversed. Tapping unseen reservoirs of faith and endurance, we, as did our forebears, inch ever forward toward that day when our voices can join with those of all pioneers who have endured in faith, singing, 'All is well! All is well!'" (in Conference Report, Apr. 1997, 82; or Ensign, May 1997, 61).
In many ways our journey toward eternal life is similar to the journey of the pioneers across America. The pioneers crossed the plains at profound personal sacrifice and often under severe hardship. Demonstrating great faith, courage, and endurance, they set an example for us to follow.

This is our day in the history of the kingdom of God on the earth. The pioneers laid the foundation, but it is now up to us to complete the work. As President James E. Faust testified, "Faith in every future footstep will fulfill prophetic vision concerning the glorious destiny of this Church" (in Conference Report, Oct. 1997, 58; or Ensign, Nov. 1997, 42).

Elder M. Russell Ballard said: "We are the inheritors of a tremendous heritage. Now it is our privilege and responsibility to be part of the Restoration's continuing drama, and there are great and heroic stories of faith to be written in our day. It will require every bit of our strength, wisdom, and energy to overcome the obstacles that will confront us. But even that will not be enough. We will learn, as did our pioneer ancestors, that it is only in faith—real faith, whole-souled, tested and tried—that we will find safety and confidence as we walk our own perilous pathways through life" (in Conference Report, Apr. 1997, 83; or Ensign, May 1997, 61).

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