Sunday, February 19, 2017

Lesson 9: “The Only True and Living Church”


To teach class members about the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ through the Prophet Joseph Smith, to help them appreciate the blessings of Church membership, and to encourage them to show the Lord their gratitude for membership in His Church.


  1. Prayerfully study the following scriptures and other materials:
  2. To gain a greater understanding of historical events related to the doctrine in this lesson, consider reviewing the following:

Questions to Ponder

1. The Church is organized in the latter days.

1830 was a momentous time in the history of the world. The time had come for ancient prophecies to be fulfilled (Isaiah 11:11–1229:13–14Jeremiah 31:31–33Daniel 2:44–45). After the Book of Mormon was published and the priesthood was restored, the next major step in the restoration of the gospel was the formal organization of the Church. Doctrine and Covenants 20 contains instructions from the Lord to Joseph Smith about organizing the Church.
  • On what date was the Church organized in this dispensation? (See D&C 20:121:3.) Why was this date selected? (See the heading to D&C 20.)
  • Ten years passed between the First Vision and the organization of the Church. During this time, what events occurred to prepare the way for the organization of the Church and to prepare Joseph Smith to lead it?
    While serving in the Quorum of the Twelve, Elder Gordon B. Hinckley said:
    “This day of organization was, in effect, a day of commencement, the graduation for Joseph from ten years of remarkable schooling. It had begun with the incomparable vision in the grove in the spring of 1820, when the Father and the Son appeared to the fourteen-year-old boy. It had continued with the tutoring from Moroni, with both warnings and instructions given on multiple occasions. Then there was the translation of the ancient record, and the inspiration, the knowledge, the revelation that came from that experience. There was the bestowal of divine authority, the ancient priesthood again conferred upon men by those who were its rightful possessors—John the Baptist in the case of the Aaronic Priesthood, and Peter, James, and John in the case of the Melchizedek. There were revelations, a number of them, in which the voice of God was heard again, and the channel of communication opened between man and the Creator. All of these were preliminary to that historic April 6” (“150-Year Drama: A Personal View of Our History,” Ensign, Apr. 1980, 11–12).
  • How did the coming forth of the Book of Mormon help prepare the way for the restoration of the gospel? (See D&C 20:6–12.) How did the restoration of the priesthood help prepare the way?
On 6 April 1830, Joseph Smith and more than 50 other people met at the log home of Peter Whitmer Sr. in Fayette, New York, for the organization of the Church. New York law required that a church have at least six members to be formally organized. So six men, all of whom had been baptized and had seen the gold plates, became the first official members of the Church. These men were Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Peter Whitmer Jr., Samuel H. Smith, and David Whitmer (see History of the Church, 1:76; for additional historical background, see Our Heritage, pages 14–16).
  • By what name was the Church called when it was organized? (See D&C 20:1.) The Church was also called by other names in its early years, but in April 1838 the Lord revealed the name by which His Church was to be known. What name did the Lord give His Church? (See D&C 115:4.) Why is it important that the Lord’s Church be called in His name? (See 3 Nephi 27:8.)

2. The Lord commands Church members to follow the prophet.

During the meeting at which the Church was organized, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were sustained as the presiding officers of the Church (History of the Church, 1:77). The Lord also gave a revelation instructing members of the Church to follow Joseph Smith as the prophet. This revelation is recorded in D&C 21.
  • Read D&C 1:38 and D&C 21:4–5. What do these verses teach about how we should regard the words of the prophet? Where can we find the words of the living prophet? What counsel or teachings of latter-day prophets have been especially meaningful to you?
  • In D&C 21:5, the Lord said we must give heed to the words of the prophet “in all patience and faith.” Why might it sometimes require patience or faith to follow the counsel of the prophet? What experiences have you had when following the counsel of the prophet has required patience or faith?
  • Read D&C 21:6. What blessings does the Lord promise to those who follow the prophet? How are these promises fulfilled in the lives of Church members today? In what ways have you been blessed because you have followed the prophet?
  • In D&C 21:9, the Lord promised “a mighty blessing” to those who labor in His service. How have you been blessed as you have served the Lord?

3. The Lord encourages Church members to meet together often to partake of the sacrament.

  • At the meeting in which the Church was organized, members partook of the sacrament (History of the Church, 1:78). Why do you think it was important to have the ordinance of the sacrament performed at the first meeting of the restored Church?
  • In D&C 20, the Lord revealed information about how the sacrament should be administered (versesD&C 20:75–79). Read D&C 20:75 with class members. Why is it important to partake of the sacrament often?
  • Ask a class member to read the sacrament prayers (D&C 20:77, 79). What promises do we make when we partake of the sacrament? (See also Luke 22:19–203 Nephi 18:7, 10–11.) You may want to point out that both prayers emphasize remembering Jesus. What does it mean to remember Him always? How does the sacrament help us remember Him?
  • What promise is made in the sacrament prayers to those who partake worthily? (See D&C 20:77, 79.) As appropriate, invite class members to tell how partaking of the sacrament has blessed their lives.
  • In D&C 27, the Lord gave further instructions to Joseph Smith regarding the sacrament. What was Joseph doing when he received this revelation? (See the heading to D&C 27.) What did Joseph learn about the sacrament in this revelation? (See D&C 27:2.) How can we partake of the sacrament “with an eye single to [Christ’s] glory”?

4. The Lord explains the duties of Church members.

  • Read D&C 20:68–69. In these verses the Lord explains “the duty of the members after they are received by baptism.” What does verse 69 reveal about the Lord’s expectations of us as Church members? How can we show the Lord our gratitude for membership in His Church?

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