To help class members feel the powerful witness of the Savior that comes through the Doctrine and Covenants and to help them strengthen their testimonies of the Savior's Atonement.
1. Review the material for this lesson in the Class Member Study Guide.
2. Man Was Also in the Beginning With God: This article gives context for D&C 93.
Discussion and Application
1. The Doctrine and Covenants testifies of Jesus Christ.
- Remember that one purpose of all scripture is to testify of Jesus Christ and to persuade people to come to Him and partake of salvation. The Bible, the books of Moses and Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price, and the Book of Mormon are ancient testaments, or witnesses, of Jesus Christ. The Doctrine and Covenants is a testament of Jesus Christ given in this dispensation. This book of scripture bears witness that Jesus is the Christ, that He lives, and that He continues to speak to prophets and guide His people today.
- Turn to the Explanatory Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants and read the last sentence in the eighth paragraph (this sentence begins with the phrase "Finally, the testimony that is given").
- The Doctrine and Covenants contains powerful testimonies of the Savior and His work. Most of these are from the Savior Himself. (See D&C 50:41–44 and D&C 76:22–24).
2. Jesus Christ "suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him."
- The Doctrine and Covenants contains many revelations that can increase our understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. These revelations give us a sense of the depth of the Savior's suffering and the magnitude of the love that He and Heavenly Father have for us.
The Savior describes His atoning sacrifice
- Read D&C 19:16–19. Note: This is the only scripture passage in which the Savior describes His own suffering during His atoning sacrifice.
- What does this passage teach about the Savior's suffering for us? Why was Jesus willing to experience such great suffering for us? (See D&C 18:10–11; 19:19, 24; 34:3.)
Through the Atonement, we will all be resurrected
- Read D&C 88:14–18; 93:33; Alma 11:42–44.
- What can we learn about the Resurrection from these passages?
a. Resurrection is the redemption of the soul. The spirit and the body are reunited, inseparably connected in a perfect form (D&C 88:14–16; 93:33; Alma 11:42–43).
b. Resurrection prepares us for the celestial glory (D&C 88:18).
c. Resurrection is necessary for us to receive a fulness of joy (D&C 93:33).
d. All people will be resurrected (Alma 11:44).
Through the Atonement, we can be forgiven of our sins and inherit celestial glory
- Read D&C 18:11–12; 19:16–17, 20; 58:42; 76:62–70.
- What do these passages teach about the blessings we can receive through the Savior's Atonement?
a. We can repent of our sins and come unto Him (D&C 18:11–12).
b. If we repent, Christ has taken upon Himself the suffering for our sins (D&C 19:16–17, 20).
c. If we repent, the Lord forgives us and remembers our sins no more (D&C 58:42).
d. We can come forth in the first resurrection, be made perfect through Christ, and inherit celestial glory (D&C 76:62–70).
Through the Atonement, the Savior gained perfect empathy for us in all our sorrows, pains, and afflictions
- During His life and culminating in the Atonement, the Savior suffered in a way that gave Him a perfect understanding of all our pains and afflictions.
- See D&C 122. This section is a revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith while he was a prisoner in the jail at Liberty, Missouri.
- The first seven verses the Lord speaks of the Prophet Joseph's trials.
- Then in verse 8 the Lord speaks of Himself.
- See D&C 122. This section is a revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith while he was a prisoner in the jail at Liberty, Missouri.
- Read D&C 122:8.
- In what way has the Savior "descended below" all things? (See Alma 7:11–12; D&C 62:1; 133:53. Note that the word succor means to help. Because the Savior has experienced all our sorrows, pains, and afflictions, He understands how we feel. He knows how to help us.)
- How can this knowledge help us when we experience trials?
- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve said: "When … difficult times come to us, we can remember that Jesus had to descend below all things before He could ascend above them, and that He suffered pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind that He might be filled with mercy and know how to succor His people in their infirmities (see D&C 88:6; Alma 7:11–12)" (in Conference Report, Oct. 1995, 91; or Ensign, Nov. 1995, 69).
- How can this knowledge help us when we experience trials?
- In what way has the Savior "descended below" all things? (See Alma 7:11–12; D&C 62:1; 133:53. Note that the word succor means to help. Because the Savior has experienced all our sorrows, pains, and afflictions, He understands how we feel. He knows how to help us.)
- When have you felt the power of the Atonement in your life?
- What can we do to feel this power more completely?
- How can we show the Savior our gratitude for His Atonement?
- How should our understanding of the Atonement affect us in our daily lives?
3. The Doctrine and Covenants helps us understand the Savior's roles and attributes.
- To be able to exercise faith in God, we must have "a correct idea of his character, perfections, and attributes" (in Joseph Smith, comp., Lectures on Faith [1985], 38).
- The Doctrine and Covenants helps us gain this understanding.
- What attributes of the Savior do you see in the above passages?
- Read the following scripture passages.
- What does each passage teach about the Savior's roles and attributes.
a. D&C 6:20–21. (If we are faithful and diligent, the Savior will encircle us in the arms of His love. He is the light that shines in darkness.)
b. D&C 6:32–37. (He offers us protection and comfort and is ready to bless us when we remember Him and obey His commandments.)
c. D&C 19:1–3. (Having done the will of the Father, He has subdued all things and retained all power. He will destroy Satan and his works. He will judge all people according to their deeds.)
d. D&C 29:1–2. (His arm of mercy has atoned for our sins. If we hearken to His voice and humble ourselves, He will gather us as a hen gathers her chickens.)
e. D&C 38:1–3. (He is the Creator of the world, and He knows all things.)
f. D&C 43:34. (He is the Savior of the world.)
g. D&C 45:3–5. (He is our Advocate with the Father.)
h. D&C 50:44. (He is the Good Shepherd and the Stone of Israel, a sure foundation upon which we can build.)
i. D&C 76:5. (He is merciful and gracious to those who fear Him, and He delights to honor those who serve Him in righteousness and truth to the end.)
j. D&C 93:5–19. (He is the Only Begotten of the Father. He "continued from grace to grace" until He received a fulness of the glory and power of the Father.)
k. D&C 133:42–52. (When He comes in power at the time of His Second Coming, those whom He has redeemed will mention His loving-kindness and goodness.)
l. D&C 136:22. (His arm is stretched out to save His people.)
- Why is it important for you to know these roles and attributes of the Savior?
- How have the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants enriched your testimony of the Savior?
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