Sunday, July 31, 2016

Lesson 31: Firm in the Faith of Christ

Untitled Document

Reading Assignment:

Questions to Ponder:

1. The Nephites fight to defend their families and their liberty.
  • Why did the Nephites fight against the Lamanites? (See Alma 43:3–4, 9–11, 45–4748:14.) Under what circumstances does the Lord approve of people going to war?

    President Charles W. Penrose, who was a member of the First Presidency, said: "It is not right for us to engage in the shedding of human blood, for vengeance or retaliation. But when the Lord commands or inspires his servants to counsel the sons and daughters of Israel to lend their aid in the work of righteous warfare, that is different. … We are to arise in our might and in our strength and go forth to victory; not with a desire to shed blood, not with the desire to destroy our fellow creatures, but in self defense and because we do want to maintain and hand down to our posterity those sacred principles of liberty that have been revealed from on high" (in Conference Report, Oct. 1917, 21).

    Elder David O. McKay said: "There are … two conditions which may justify a truly Christian man to enter—mind you, I say enter, not begin—a war: (1) An attempt to dominate and to deprive another of his free agency, and, (2) Loyalty to his country. Possibly there is a third, [namely], Defense of a weak nation that is being unjustly crushed by a strong, ruthless one" (in Conference Report, Apr. 1942, 72).

  • When Moroni confronted Zerahemnah, to what did he attribute the Nephites' success in battle? (See Alma 44:3–4.) How had the Nephites demonstrated their faith in Christ? (See Alma 43:23, 49–50.)
  • What can we do in our families and communities to help preserve the freedoms the Nephites cherished?
  • How might understanding and applying these principles today help bring about greater peace in the world? How can we apply these principles in dealing with conflict in our personal lives?
    1. Fight only for righteous reasons, such as self-defense (Alma 43:8–10, 29–30, 45–4748:14).
    2. Have no hate toward your enemies; seek their best interests as well as your own (Alma 43:53–54;44:1–2, 6).
    3. Live righteously and trust in God (Alma 44:3–4;48:15, 19–20).
    4. Follow righteous and wise leaders (Alma 43:16–1948:11–13, 17–19; see also D&C 98:10).
2. Captain Moroni raises the "title of liberty" to inspire the people.
  • How was Amalickiah able to persuade others to follow him? (See Alma 46:1–7, 10.) What was the motive of the people who supported him? (See Alma 46:4–5.) What can we learn from the account of Amalickiah and his followers? (See Alma 46:8–9.)
  • Why did Moroni create the title of liberty? (See Alma 46:11–13, 18–20.) How did the people respond to the title of liberty? (See Alma 46:21–22.) How does making and keeping covenants affect our lives?
3. Amalickiah becomes king of the Lamanites and incites them to battle.
  • What did Amalickiah do when he failed to become king over the Nephites? (See Alma 46:3347:1, 4.  Alma 47:1–35)
  • Some of the strongest opponents of the Nephites had once been Nephites themselves, including the Amalekites (Alma 24:29–3043:6–7), the Zoramites (Alma 30:5931:8–1143:4), Amalickiah (Alma 46:1–7), Morianton (Alma 50:26, 35), and Amalickiah's brother Ammoron (Alma 52:3). Why do those who have left the Church often fight so strongly against it? (See Mosiah 2:36–37Alma 47:35–36.)
  • Contrast Amalickiah and Moroni (Alma 48:1–17Alma 46:9), How can just as one wicked person cause much wickedness among the people or one righteous person, like Moroni, inspire much righteousness?  How can we encourage and support righteous leaders? How can each of us inspire righteousness among others?
4. War continues between the Nephites and the Lamanites.
  • How can the accounts of war in the Book of Mormon apply to our fight against the influence of Satan? (Some examples are given below, can you think of others?)
    1. The Nephites built walls to protect their cities from the Lamanites' attacks (Alma 48:7–949:2–4, 13, 18). What defenses can protect us from Satan's influence?
    2. The Nephites continually strengthened their defenses (Alma 50:1–6). Why must we continually strengthen our defenses against Satan?
    3. The Nephites kept the commandments of God and followed their Church leaders (Alma 44:3–4;49:3050:20–22). How do the commandments of God and the counsel of our Church leaders help us fight wickedness?
    4. The Nephites thanked God for protecting them in battle (Alma 45:149:28). How can gratitude to the Lord protect us against Satan?
    5. Contention caused the Nephites to fight among themselves and allowed the Lamanites to gain power over them (Alma 51:2–7, 12–2353:8–9). How does contention allow Satan to gain power over us? How can unity and support from other people help us as we fight against wickedness?
    6. The righteous Nephites were prosperous and happy even in times of war (Alma 49:3050:23). How can we find peace and happiness even during times of terrible wickedness?

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