To help class members understand that through the Restoration of the gospel and the teachings of the Book of Mormon, the Lord will cause truth to triumph over evil.
Reading Assignment:
Additional Reading:
- Alma 1:16
- 3 Nephi 18:24
- Moroni 7:45-47
- Joseph Smith - History 1:5-65
- Ether 5:2-4
- 2 Corinthians 13:1
- 2 Nephi 3:12
- Spiritual Guides for Teachers of Righteousness - Gene R. Cook
- The Gift of the Holy Ghost - A Sure Compass - James E. Faust
- Beware of Pride - Ezra Taft Benson
Questions to Ponder:
- What are some illusions that Satan uses to lead people astray? How can we discern between these illusions and the truth?
- How did Nephi describe those who would be preserved at the Savior's coming? (See 2 Nephi 26:8.) Why are these same qualities important for us today? How were the righteous Nephites and their posterity blessed? (See 2 Nephi 26:9.)
- How did Nephi describe the way Satan leads people to destruction? (See 2 Nephi 26:22. You may want to explain that a flaxen cord is made of thin, light strands.) What are some ways Satan uses "flaxen cords" before binding people with "strong cords"?
- How did Nephi describe the way the Savior leads people to salvation? (See 2 Nephi 26:23–27, 33.) How can we help others "partake of his salvation"? (2 Nephi 26:24).
- Nephi warned against priestcrafts. What are priestcrafts? (See 2 Nephi 26:29; Alma 1:16.) What examples of priestcraft are evident in the world today? How can we counteract these conditions? (See2 Nephi 26:30–31; 3 Nephi 18:24; Moroni 7:45–47.)
- How did Nephi describe the false teaching that people would use to justify sinning? (See 2 Nephi 28:7–9.) What are some of the rationalizations people use today to excuse sin? What are the dangers of not worrying about "committing a little sin"? (2 Nephi 28:8).
- Nephi also foresaw that people in the last days would be filled with pride (2 Nephi 28:12–15). What was the eventual result of the pride of the Nephites? (Se e2 Nephi 26:10–11.) How is pride a stumbling block to our spiritual growth? How can we overcome pride?
- Nephi taught that pride would lead many to "rob the poor" (2 Nephi 28:13). How might a desire for "fine clothing" or other luxuries cause us to neglect the poor? In what ways can we help those who are less fortunate, both physically and spiritually?
- According to Nephi, how would many people react to the word of the Lord in the last days? (See 2 Nephi 28:20, 28.) Why do the words of God often "stir [many] up to anger against that which is good"?
- Nephi prophesied that Satan would pacify the people and "lull them away into carnal security" (2 Nephi 28:21). What is carnal security? How can the contentment of carnal security keep us from repentance? What does the phrase "leadeth them away carefully" (2 Nephi 28:21) suggest about Satan's tactics?
- How can studying the Book of Mormon help us be spiritually alert and avoid becoming "at ease in Zion"? (2 Nephi 28:24).
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